Wilkommen in Movie Park Germany! This is one of Nordrhein-Westfalen's themeparks, which I went to for the first time with Sarah and Barbara on Wednesday.

We went to a stunt show around lunch time, which was lucky, because it started to rain. The show went on, though. Some of the car stunts were fun to watch.

Barbara and Sarah on one of the spinning rides. I was feeling a little ill after spinning around on a few rides (which is why I was able to take these pictures).

Do lions (and zebras) have bellybuttons?

A shrek in '4-D' show, which started off with the three little pigs and pinnochio chained to the wall in boxes. Interesting...

But not nearly as interesting as the 4-D glasses.

On Friday I went to a strawberry festival in Wesel. The Heimat Verein with their wooden shoe dances were fun to watch. How they can dance in those shoes is beyond me.

Die Abiturienten. Saturday was a big day for Sarah. In the morning was her Abitur church service, which she helped organize (She also spoke and played flute), and her equivalent of a graduation ceremony. At night was the Abiball.

The Abi Wall, a tradition for every Abi year. The theme this year was Diabilus (play on the words Abi and a certain play) between heaven and hell. Not only did the Abiturienten just finish the 13th grade, Konrad Duden Gymnasium (the school) is celebrating its 666th aniversary this year.

A small classical piece played by one of my friends Veronika for the graduation ceremony. She'll be doing her Abitur next year.

Sarah getting her certificate from Dr. Schott, the school principal.

With the graduate and her certificate.

Sarah's Abiball!

Sarah dancing with her father.

...and her brother.

They dance really well. Apparently disco fox is a big thing in Germany. Luckily its really easy to pick up.

Frau Quast (left) and the Quasts' family friend from Australia. She's been in town since Tuesday night, so I've had lots of time to practice my English.

The food at the Abiball was great, but I didn't try this specialty, which was mostly raw meat. The salmon (served from a whole salmon) was delicious, and they roasted a whole pig, too!
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