Yixin, Mian and I left early on Wednesday morning for San Diego. The city is about two hours South from my residence and only minutes away from the border of Mexico. For those who have never been there before, I would highly recommend San Diego as your next travel destination. There are many places to go and many activities to do in and around San Diego. I assure you that you could not finish everything you wanted to do within the time you had. I speak from personal experience.
Take our trip to San Diego, for instance. Day One was spent at the San Diego Zoo. It is impossible to go to San Diego and not see the zoo. The zoo is one of the city's most famous (and popular) attractions. A panda was recently born there, but we missed it when the zoo keepers let it out. We did manage to catch a glimpse of this panda eating dinner, however.Day Two we spent in La Jolla at Torrey Pines State Beach and State Reserve. There are a number of trails in the reserve, and we walked every single one.

We spent Day Three at La Jolla Cove before heading back up the coast.