The transfer into class 11 is going well. I think it's actually better than in class 10. In 11th, we change classes, so I get to see new faces every now and then. It is also better because a different person will show me to the next classroom, instead of me only tagging along behind the same class. The students are also more well-behaved and mature, and it makes one think they actually want to learn the material.
The schedule maker made a schedule up for me last Wednesday, before I left for camp. It was in the middle of the school day, so I expected to go back to 10e when he was done and start in the 11th on Monday. But instead he told me I would start immediately, and showed me to the Erdkunde classroom, except there was no one there. So I got to attend another 10th grade math class Herr Trobel (?) teaches, and then to a 10e history class.
Another nice aspect of 11th grade in Germany is the free periods. On Wednesday I had one in 5th period. The other side is that 11th through 13th grades often have 7th or 8th periods. So during my free period I rode back to the Kiefers to write Jutta a note that I would be late for lunch because of school.
7th period wasn't all that bad, though: physics with Herr Trobel again. On Monday was another 7th period, German. Come to mention it, my schedule has 3 periods of German classes on Mondays, because Herr Trobel thought I'd learn better German if I took two German classes.
You might as well see the entire schedule. I like it, because it is not so random as 10th grade. Every class gets three periods a week: one double period and another period on another day. The periods go by surprisingly faster than they were in 10th. It is nice to have only 3 or 4 subjects a day.
- Englisch
- Mathe
- Deutsch
- "
- Chemie
- "
- Deutsch
- Sport
- "
- Deutsch
- "
- Biologie
- Erdkunde
- Englisch
- "
- Erdkunde
- "
- Frei
- Deutsch
- Physik
- Physik
- "
- Frei
- Frei
- Chemie
- Sport
- Mathe
- "
- Biologie
- "
Monday is the fullest day, and the classes grow steadily lighter as the week progresses. Monday is not going to be fun, though. There are 3 periods of Deutsch on Mondays, and then right after school I take the train to Dinslaken for another 3 plus hours of Deutsch Unterrichtung. Nicht viel spass.
Thank goodness we start vacation next week. It's two weeks long! So far our plans are to go to Bonn, Oberhausen, and Trier, and probably elsewhere.
Edit: 7te Stunde ist von 13:20 bis 14:05, und ich denke 8te Stunde ist von 14:10 bis 14:55 (Ist das genug, Herr Harrell? Später soll ich ein Post auf Deutsch schreiben.)
Du schreibst ein sehr interessantes Blog. Einfach Spitze! I shared your blog address with the German classes at Pacifica and hope some of them are reading it. If you don't mind, I think I'll use your schedule to illustrate the difference between German and American school days. How late do you go on your long days?
Alles Gute und immer das Beste wünsche ich dir.
Prima! Danke!
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