Here is the class schedule I keep right now. This will undoubtedly change at the end of Herbst Ferien, once we have figured out which math class to put me in. As I've said before, I've been put in class 10e. I'm lucky because this means I take nearly all my classes with the same group. When you get into grades 11, 12, and 13 you start to take them in courses with various groups.
- 8:00-8:45
- 8:50-9:35
- 9:50-10:35
- 10:40-11:25
- 11:40-12:25
- 12:30-13:15
- Deutsch
- Englisch
- Sport
- Mathe (normally Französisch)
- Differencierung (Biologie)
- Mathe (normally Religion)
- Englisch
- Physik
- Musik
- Französisch
- Mathe mit 10e
- Diff (Biologie)
- " "
- Politik
- Geschichte
- Mathe mit 10e
- Chemie
- Deutsch
- Mathe mit 10e
- Mathe (normally Französisch)
- Chemie
- Physik
- Musik
- Englisch
- Religion
- Deutsch
- Sport
- Geschichte
- Politik
Because I still have one Stunde (period) of French, and will potentially have more, our neighbor Hannah came over yesterday to teach me some from her first year French book.
I can now say "Hello, my name is Rachael" (Salut, je suis Rachael, or Salut, je m'appelle Rachael) and "Arthur is a parrot." (Arthur est un paurroquet), as well as a few other phrases. How many languages do you think I can learn in 10 months?
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