Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I haven't been doing much this past week and a half. There's only so much tidying up to do around one desk, especially when most of the stuff that's supposed to be there isn't there storage doesn't open til Friday).

The most productive things I've done are gone to an interview for an on-campus job and bought a table cloth with Rika. Our apartment is starting to look even more colorful! Once I figure out how to hook the other side of the hammock up and my stuff comes out of storage, I'll be sure to post more photos. I also danced for the first time in months. Andrey and I are supposed to teach Foxtrot at Beginner 2 lessons starting on Monday. We're still a bit rusty.

I've also finalized my schedule! (Short of the possibility of dropping a class later). No more wait lists! If you are the type of person who enjoys following along, you can click HERE for a link to my schedule. Just don't show up to all my lectures unless you're in them. I might get suspicious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.