My traveled, dusty feet have been washed, the visual proof of my journey gathered. Now I can proceed with the details of my day.
I just got back from the bonfire with Miguel and Irene. Actually, we were only at the bonfire until about 10:20 (the beaches close completely at 10:00, but the lifeguard only came around once, so we stayed around until we saw the headlights again). You can tell how long we stayed by our parking meter.We were pretty lucky we didn't get ticketed that time.
We were with a group of all college student (mostly music majors) from Cal State Fullerton and Chapman. Irene and I talked with each other most of the time, and when Miguel wasn't otherwise engaged with the others, he'd be talking with us too. It was a great time to catch up. The three of us were great buddies my sophomore year, and since then we haven't gotten a lot of chances to hang out and just talk.
So afterwards we left the group and went out to Starbucks and hung out there for an hour or so, so that we could hang out and talk. It's amazing how with some people you can seemingly talk forever on a million different topics, while with other people you can't seem to say a word. Irene, Miguel and I could talk forever about coffee, dreams, and various randomness. I can't do that with everyone, and I don't understand why. I guess I should just accept the fact that with some groups I'm more comfortable and therefore more inclined to talk. I'm a shy and quiet person, most of the time. But with these people, I'm as hyper and talkative as anyone. We just click.
Guess who I saw outside of Starbucks? Chris Wood! I haven't seen him since forever ago, back when he graduated from being one of Pacifica's champion debaters and impromptuers to bigger and better things. Apparently he had to drop out of UCI, though, for financial reasons. It's sad. College life has done him some good, though. He says he's done a 180 on his political views. He used to be an uber conservative on the debate team. Now he's a fellow liberal. Score.
I'm going to miss out on running into people I know like that if I go to college out of state, or even out of SoCal. It's interesting to run into people you haven't seen in nearly a year-and-a-half and never expected to see again in your life. What are the chances of meeting up with someone you know randomly, anywhere, at any given time?
What else happened today? Oh, I was kind of disappointed with the Cow Chip Bingo. It wasn't really that exciting, but then again I left before any excitement occured. I didn't stay that long. There are other interesting activities to do besides watching cows wander around. The boredom makes you want to break out the camera and sneak up on people and take a picture of them.
Okay, so here are the pictures of Miguel, Irene and I that I promised. We've been needing to catch up on some new photos as well as on our lives.

the end, so he put it together at the beginnning
and roasted everything over the fire.
Needless to say, it burnt. I declined
to try it.

Miguel and Rachael.

supposed to smile or take a funny pic.
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