Thursday, May 11, 2006

Aergere Dich Nicht!

During free periods at school Barbara, Sarah and I play Mensch ärgere dich nicht in the break hall. The woodshop club has made three giant boards on the floor for not only the longest, ärgerlich-est game on the planet, but also for chess and Müller. Ärgere mich nicht is the school's newest addition this year. 6 is the number to roll (here: spin) in Mensch ärgere dich nicht. Unfortunately, this spinner liked to stick on number 4.

What else do we do when we have free periods? (Yes, classes get canceled all the time here in Germany). In the past we've made photo/video tours of the Gymnasium, played Bombermann, looked at CA and NJ via Google Earth, left campus to eat ice cream, and actually done homework (though there are so many more fun and interesting activities to engage in than German Hausaufgabe).

Right now we're going round Klausur time again. I've written my final tests for Geography, German (one of them) and math. Next week is another three, and after that are a few more scattered English and Art finals. And PE finals, if he's giving us one this quarter. We're doing weight training at the moment. Ouch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rachael ~ I enjoyed reading your blogs and catching up on the adventures in Germany.
We miss you!

~Joanie (Kaylin's mom)