Pittsburgh celebrated its first snow today! At first it was more like rain than snow, but it has since turned into nice, fluffy flakes and can most definitely be classified as snow. It started early today around 1 AM and hasn't really stopped since. It has finally gotten to the point where it's stopped melting when it hits the ground. Soon CMU will be covered in white!
It's hard to believe that just 3 weeks ago we were frolicking around in the high 70s.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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Monday, October 27, 2008
Preliminary Schedule
Scheduleman.org finally updated its site to include the Spring 09 schedule. I put my preliminary schedule together this morning, which you can see HERE.
I've been telling myself that I'll take less units next semester, since I want to spend more time concentrating on my courses and other aspects of life. This schedule contains 5 more units than my current Fall 08 schedule, and the classes are notoriously harder. Most likely I'll be dropping a course (15-213 anyone?) by the end of week 2.
Tell me what you think.
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Friday, October 24, 2008
Life's a Symphony
Andrey and I joined the math club in its annual outing to the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. I was somewhat disappointed when the intermission came early and I realized that I was looking at the wrong schedule. The soloist was good, however, even though I missed hearing Dvorák's New World Symphony.
The weather in Pittsburgh finally got cold. We enjoyed a week of Indian Summer (which I celebrated with a cold) and now the city is plunging head first into winter (I'm celebrating the transition with another cold). I guess I was not gifted with a great immune system.
The schedule of classes has been unofficially released. I promised myself I would take very few units next semester in order to concentrate on my ECE classes and work on my own projects, but as always I find myself gravitating towards more classes. After this semester there are only 5 semesters left! It may seem like a lot, but when you look at the classes you need to take, and when you have to take them, 5 semesters seems to shrink.
This weekend will be busy. There are two exams next week, one of which will be easy (but it's on Monday...), and the other doesn't matter, since if you get a better grade on the final (almost guaranteed) your grade gets replaced. More importantly, Andrey and I need to practice our ballroom dancing. DCDI is next weekend!
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Sunday, October 12, 2008
Up, up, and Away!
This was a great, easy weekend for me. I have no exams next week, so I didn't have to spend hours studying (although I did some studying for Concepts and Stats anyway). Plus, we started circuits in Physics, so from here on out Physics is going to be easy (to attest to that, I finished all my homework on Friday night). Who said that Physics II for Engineers was hard? They must not have been an ECE major...
I am finally over the cold I had last week. Last week was miserable in general, what with two exams, a bunch of difficult homework, a lab, and no voice on top of that. I'm happy to be feeling better in time for the great weather, though! We're enjoying great 75 degree afternoons here in Pittsburgh, and it's supposed to last most of the week!
Besides this relaxing weekend, there is another three-day weekend coming up next week. I'm thinking about going to Kennywood, the Knott's-Berry-Farm-esque amusement park in Pittsburgh, with a group of friends. Last year they had some good mazes up for their Fright Night events, and it might be fun to go again.
Or maybe I'll just sleep.
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