Being sick is no fun. Being sick for four weeks is no fun times 4. I can't believe that I just spent approximately the first 1/12 of 2009 with a cold. Hopefully it's over now, and I don't get sick for the rest of the year (yeah, right).
The first couple weeks of classes went alright. Last week I TA'd my first lab. It didn't go so bad. Labs will get more exciting later in the semester.
My 18220 lab has a grand total of 8 people in it. This has its ups and downs to it. On the plus side, the TA-to-lab group ratio is 3:4, so we'll be able to get a lot of attention. On the other side, we get TAs looking over our shoulders all the time, which is perhaps too much attention.
First exam on Friday, first full batch of homeworks and labs due this week. This semester has been off to a rather slow start. There are only 17 weeks in a semester, and I feel like the first 2 have been spent doing, well, nothing.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Spring 09
Revised Schedule, Spring 2009
As you can see, I am going to keep myself busy this semester. What's nice, however, is how much more in depth/interesting/useful [at least one of] my courses are going to be this semester. And the coffee course on Mondays is bound to be fun, and useful, too! Most of my homework is due on Tuesdays and Wednesdays this semester.
Other activities of note for Spring 2009:
->My two jobs: I'm keeping my job as a student assistant in the MLRC as well as taking up a lab teaching assistant position for 18240. We received our assignments yesterday, and I will be TAing on Tuesday evenings. When one of my friends in that section found out, his response was, "NOOOO!" I take that as a good sign.
->Ballroom: Andrey and I decided to not compete this semester, since we rarely find the time to practice. What with my schedule, and his 72-unit course load, finding time to practice is difficult. However, I have cleared my schedule on Wednesdays so that I can go to lessons, unlike last semester. I hope to do more social dancing, too, which is more fun anyway.
->SWE: CIT Ball is coming up in about 5 weeks! There's still a lot to plan, so this first part of the semester might be hectic.
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Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
I have so many New Year's resolutions that I know that keeping up with all of them is going to be extremely difficult, if not downright impossible. One of those resolutions is to write more blogs. Hopefully that one will be kept.
Unfortunately, as I am suffering from a nasty cold, blog entries will have to wait. But I can't wait to write about what's been going on since my last entry! The answer is, not much has been going on. But I have a couple pictures I'll put up later.
Best wishes for 2009!
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