So I figured it would be a good idea to leave a nice long post with pictures before I say goodbye.
"What? Don't you still have 4 weeks left?!"
Yes. 4 weeks is not as long as you think, however. There are many better things to do than write blogs all day, when you can be taking advantage of the good *cough* weather and go biking or meet with friends or play cards with your host family.
"So what are you going to do for the next 4 weeks? Surely biking, meeting with friends, and playing cards with your host family doesn't take up a whole 696 hours?"
I forgot to mention sleeping. And school sponsor run and report cards. And Sommerfest. And perhaps to a castle in Koblenz with Herr Schoch and the Amis. And WM. And to Holland on the North Sea. And a week in the Eifel with the Kaluses. And hopefully to Köln and Düsseldorf. And a couple times to Auesee...
"How is the WM, by the way?"
Wow. It's so awesome to be here for the Weltmeisterschaft (in English it's the WC, the World Cup. But as WC is also the short form for the bathrooms on the train, we'll keep it as WM, k?). The day of the opening game, practically everyone at school had a German flag on them, whether painted on their face, as an armband, shirt, or actual flag. The Germans are showing a wave of patriotism which they haven't been permitted for decades. Flags streaming from house and car windows, jubulating every victory the "Deutsche Elf" makes. The Germans have won every game they've played so far, and have a sure place in the octefinals.
The Americans, on the other hand... Well, Alicia and I have fun rooting for them anyway.
"And what have you done in the last few weeks? We haven't heard from you!"
Let's see... We're finally done with finals at school, and we're just hanging out until school let's out for the summer in a week. My AFS commitee went to Ravensbrück and Berlin a few weeks ago (a few photos here on photobucket). The Amis from Hagerstown, Maryland are finally here for three weeks, and I've talked to some of them and gone to some activities with them and their host siblings (peers from my class). Over Pfingsten (the first weekend in June) I hardly had time to sleep: Claudia's birthday (phots here on my photobucket), Chess game night, Mary's birthday, and Burger's Zoo in Arnheim, Holland.
And getting a cold from the sudden change in weather (it changes about 20° Celsius in the course of one day...every week). Then we had "Lernen Lernen" for the 11th grade this week, where we learned how to write reports for the 12th grade (wasn't very interesting for me). But it sure is relaxing! Traumreise!
"Okay, I'll let you go now. Say hi to your host family for me. Have a safe trip home! Remember to bring me chocolate!"
Will do. Thanks!
Til July, then!
Checking out, your American German,
Friday, June 16, 2006
Last Post aus Deutschland
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