There's a common saying you all have heard, and probably used, which goes somewhere along the lines of, "Everything seems so much closer on this Xmas." Or "Easter." Or "July 4th." Or "Band Finals."
I have a month and a half to turn in my college applications. A few days ago, that deadline seemed miles away. Now, it seems close. Uncomfortably close. College apps aren't the only things coming up fast. There are a number of major projects in civics and German coming up which I wasn't even thinking about a few days ago. Now that band is over, I need to discipline myself in order to get all these things done, and done well.
So that's my resolution for the next couple months: Get things done with excellence.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Getting Even Closer
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Monday, November 13, 2006
A Week From Today
In one week, band will be over. In one week, life will for a third and final time make that adjustment from the intensity of marching practice day after day. I'll get sick from the overdue exhaustion. I'll have more time than I know what to do with.
The pattern is the same every season. What makes this year different is how I've realized what the pattern is. I now observe it in other people. I know who the people are who are going to collapse in exhaustion the week after finals. You can read it as clearly as the bags under their eyes and the vibes of stress they let off when they rush from band to school to band to home to band. Being able to identify these symptoms puts me in a state of calm. I accept my fate. Why stress out over being under a lot of stress?
I'm ready for band to be over. I'm ready to have my life back. Band has been life for the last few crazy weeks. Deep down, I know that I will miss that part of my life, and that band will always have a part of me. There's something enchanting about being in uniform in a packed stadium, hearing a deep voice say, "Pacifica High School, you may now enter the field in competition." The intensity of that moment, as you wait for the count-off, I wouldn't give for the world.
But there will be another moment that I will never give away, and that's the moment our horns snap down after the final chord on Sunday, with sweat dripping down our foreheads, our breaths heavy, but contented our final performance. I'll be ready to march off the field for the final time.
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
For the Love of Your Country
Tuesday was election day over here in the US. I had the opportunity through my civics class to actively participate in the midterm elections. I was one of the clerks at a precinct in Cypress. Most of the time I was checking voters in by finding their name on the roster, but I also worked the computer which issued access codes for awhile and was called on as the eslate (voting machine) expert whenever a voter ran into a problem. Apparently that also entailed explaining to people that yes, you can vote for more than one Associate Justice, Court of Appeal, 4th Appellate District, Division One. It was an interesting day. Here's a picture of me doing one of my many jobs:I enjoyed performing a civic duty for my city and country. It was an interesting experience. Even though my particular precinct was slow, we did get a 37% voter turnout, not counting absentee ballots (which is only .5% off from my prediction of the overall election, I might add). I'd say that's not bad for a midterm election. I got to see quite a few interesting figures, and many devoted Americans. I admire the people who spent over an hour trying to find the right precinct so they could vote. I admire the people who come to vote despite physical handicaps or language barriers. I admire the people who take the time out of their day to jog over, bring their whole families to vote, or their toddlers.
I can't wait until I can follow your example to the polls.
I am also contented with the results of the election so far. The Democrats have taken control of both the House and the Senate, though only by about 1~2 seats in the latter. Prepare for two exciting years of vetoes and filibusters. Not that I find that the most effective means of conducting business in our country. But I do hope to see some bills addressing healthcare and welfare reform and minimum wage pass through Congress. We'll see. As for the returning governator, I must admit he is the better man for the job, so I'm content in that area as well.
I'm feeling patriotic now (ie, more so than usual), so here are some pictures which inspire me and make me think of California and our country. Enjoy! And to those of you who wore an "I Voted" sticker on the 7th, I have to thank you. Your voices are the ones which echoed from shore to shore on Tuesday, and moved the United States into a new, positive direction.
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