I was in Orlando two weeks ago at the National Conference for the Society of Women Engineers. The CMU SWE section took two awards! We won Gold for Outstanding Collegiate Section (one of only two schools to receive this honor -- it's highly competitive), an award we've been striving to earn for as long as I've been at CMU.
And now we're featured in the University newspaper, The Tartan!
We also won an award for the SWE History Award, which was conducted in recognition of SWE's 60th anniversary. This oral history was my pet project at the end of last semester. I got to interview a number of fantastic people, some of whom were here over 40 years ago when CMU started a SWE section! It's not the best edited video, but you can learn a bit about the history of our section in our submission.
Monday, November 15, 2010
SWE in the Tartan!
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Sunday, September 19, 2010
Long Time, No Type
Hello readers, if any are left. Sorry for not posting for such a long time. As you can imagine from your own college days, this is about the time when life gets really busy. Classes are tougher, but for once they are relevant to what you want to do in life, so you want to do well. You are hurtling towards graduation, making sure you have all the requirements squared away. You are looking for jobs and/or future schools. You are trying to figure out what to do with your life.
It's a lame excuse, I know. But in my defense, not many interesting things have happened since my last post. Here are the few that did, though:
- The 2 feet of snow finally melted!
- I got a desk in Hammerschlag Hall.
- I turned 21! (My friends took me out to Dave & Busters, which is basically Chuck-E-Cheese. I won enough tickets to buy a blender. It actually works, too!)
- I became a senior. I subsequently felt old.
- I was elected president of SWE at CMU. This is maybe not as exciting as it sounds, since a lot of what I do is email routing. I enjoy it, though.
- My intended graduation date moved up to December 2010 (3 months away!)
- I found out this morning I have to give up my desk in Hammerschlag Hall this week. Bummer.
- I am taking an awesome humanities class called Architecture for Non-majors. It feels more like art than architecture, but I get to work the right side of the brain and express myself by stacking every book in the Hammerschlag A-300 wing and putting a cup of coffee on top.
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Friday, February 19, 2010
I picked up a new sport over winter break. Since December, I have gone skiing twice at two of the most popular skiing locations near Pittsburgh. It's a cold, but interesting sport. And though I sometimes have to be pushed down the steeper hills, it's a lot of fun.
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Monday, February 8, 2010
Classes Canceled!
Today is my first-ever snow day! Pittsburgh advised CMU to cancel classes, due to the 2 feet of snow we got over the weekend. Hopefully classes will be canceled again tomorrow, then I'll have an extra 2 days to study for my exam!
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